Hello friends!
I want to share with you that we won Best Meditation Studio by Moultrie News Readers’
Choice! We got the great news just before our one year anniversary party last week. Thank you
to all who voted for us! We are forever grateful for your support. We love you all so much!
On another note, just as exciting, I recently went on a five day retreat in Santa Fe, NM. It turns
out it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. It was one of those, not what I wanted but
definitely what I NEEDED experiences. There was an emotional component, lots of
introspection as well as a very supportive community in both the participants and the
facilitators to help me through. It would be impossible to capture on paper all that happened
but the word that comes to mind is transformative, on EVERY level.
One thing I realized is that taking the leap, the thing in my heart that says go, but
I don’t know why, is exactly what I should be doing! I’m so glad I didn’t talk myself out of what I
so needed for my growth and peace of mind. It may have been uncomfortable at times; but it
was worth it!
I think the best way to come at these things that overwhelm us, is in the small steps. Change
doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It can come in baby steps. And that’s where Platform can be
a great help. You can dip a toe in, try a guided meditation on headset or a live one, sign up for
a sound bath or a mindfulness class. Platform is a great way to introduce yourself to new
things that can positively help you along your path, ease the stress and bring in the calm.
Another take away from the retreat is sometimes we are thrust on a journey we didn’t know we
needed to take, only to bring us everything we ever wanted. Trust the path as it unfolds before
you. We look forward to seeing you in to the studio!
In Freedom & Love,
platformchs.com for mediation & classes/events sign up