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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’ve never meditated before? How do I do it?

Come on in! We are set up for the first timer, as well as the seasoned meditator whose looking to add something new to their practice. We are very welcoming and here to walk you through the process from selecting the perfect guided meditation for you, choosing a comfortable seat or mat to lie down on & offering water or tea afterwards in our relaxation room. Think of a trip to Platform as a mini vacation from your mind!

Is it hard to meditate?

There is no right or wrong way. We make it easy by setting you up on a guided journey. Nothing for you to do but relax and receive.

I can’t turn off my thoughts! Is that ok?

Yes, absolutely! It’s ok to have thoughts pass through as you meditate. If possible let them float on by and keep coming back to your breathe. You don’t have to stop all thoughts, just allow and relax into the moment.

Do I need to bring anything if I’m doing a headset meditation?

No, just show up! When you arrive a studio associate will help you select the perfect meditation for you. You’ll pick a spot in our comfy meditation room either sitting up or lying down. We have pillows, blankets and eye masks to enhance your experience.

What should I wear?

Come from the gym, work or running errands. You’ll be relaxing so whatever your wearing is just fine.

How long are the guided meditations on headset?

They are 30 minutes.

May I use my own EarPods or headest?

Sure can! We have our own sanitized and ready for you but if you prefer yours that works too!

Can I drop in or do I have to schedule a time?

It is best to schedule a time on the website calendar. We welcome drop ins but please be aware that the studio may have a live event occurring in which case you would not be able to use a headset meditation at that time. However, you are always welcome to join our live events. Please check the website for event listings.